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Equine Health Clinics 2016

The British Horse Society

In 2016 Well Equine started working as part of a multi organisation team to address equine welfare within marginal horse owning communities in the U.K. Including The British Horse Society, The British Equine Veterinary Association, Redwings Horse Sanctuary, World Horse Welfare, Bluecross, The RSPCA and supported by many of the Veterinary Colleges and large Veterinary Clinics in the U.K. Utilising experience developed working in horse owning communities around the world to address equine welfare through Participatory Learning and Action Well Equine is supporting this initiative to build relationships within these marginal horse owning communities and support the lives of these domestic horses and their owners through education and empowerment..

Dean Bland Farrier Dip WCF, Well Equine Ltd

"Well Equine has experience of working throughout the world helping organisations support the lives of working horses and their owners through education and empowerment and is proud to be working as part of this cross organisational approach to support the lives of domestic horses and their owners within the U.K. "

The role of owner/guardian/carers within equine welfare is well documented and as part of this team approach Well Equine is working along side Andie Vilela of Redwings and Jenny Lynden at the University of Surrey to explore the opportunities Farriers can play in equine welfare by positively effecting owner understanding, ability and activity through appropriate communication, information and education.

Andie Vilela, Redwings Horse Sanctuary

Andie Vilela, Education and Campaign Manager :

“Redwings is proud to have supported the project from the very beginning and is so pleased to see how the clinics have evolved. Every clinic reaches vulnerable horses and means preventing vulnerable foals of the future whilst also connecting owners on the fringes of the equestrian industry to much needed supportive advice.”

The link days provide a perfect environment to engage with owners and explore these opportunities and we would like to thank everyone involved and in particular the attending horse owners for the contributions they have made to our understanding and the development of this project.


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