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Farrier Training South Africa 2015 "Opportunities For Welfare and Wellbeing"

In November 2015 I visited South Africa to provide Farriery Training for The Cart Horse Protection Association in Cape Town. The title for the training reflected it’s aims: to help the project Farriers create ‘ Opportunities for Welfare and Wellbeing’ for working horses and by extension for their owners.

The aim of the course was to help the Farriers understand how the repetitive demands placed upon working horses can over time create changes to their anatomy. Changes that effect their movement , their soundness and their ability to work alongside their owners. From that platform of understanding the farriers were introduced to practical solutions; farriery solutions that offer real opportunities for welfare and wellbeing though simple modifications in shoe design and profile. Simple modifications that reduce concussion, gently rolling the foot into the loading phase and then create a stable platform to support the weight of the horse travelling over the loading limb. Modifications that reduce the effect of these destructive anatomy changing, life changing forces.

Cart Horse Protection Association - Cape Town South Africa

"This dynamic assessment can help us, as farriers, create appropriate modifications to shoe design that effectively restore ideal function and minimise the effect of these destructive forces. Creating opportunities for welfare and wellbeing."

The Equine Foot is a highly Dynamic Platform, supporting the weight of the horse, facilitating movement and dissipating load forces. Issues with anatomical conformation, balance and symmetry effect the ability of the equine foot to perform these functions sending adverse and destructive forces through the equine foot , limb and into the equine core. Appreciation of these issues can be achieved by watching the horse move. This dynamic assessment can help us, as farriers, create appropriate modifications to shoe design that effectively restore ideal function and minimise the effect of these destructive forces. Creating opportunities for welfare and wellbeing.

" I’d like to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome; and in particular the Project Farriers, Ashley, Austin, Wajadeen for inviting me to contribute to their projects and work with them to help create opportunities for welfare and wellbeing. " - Dean Bland - Well Equine Ltd

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